Pregnancy Pain Treatment In Lancaster, CA
“I’d be really excited if my back didn’t hurt…!” Pregnancy is wonderful and a cause for celebration but if you are suffering from any of these side effects your pregnancy is no fun!
- Backaches and lower back pain
- Hip pain
- Thigh and calf pain (Sciatica)
- Tingling and numbness in your fingers
Lower back pain is so common as to be endemic among pregnant women. U.S. and European studies have shown that somewhere between 50% and 75% of pregnant women experience lower back pain. According to the American Pregnancy Association: “There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. The safest treatment, for mother and baby, is chiropractic care. (Expectant Mothers Guide)
You would never take medication, over-the-counter or prescription, during your pregnancy due to the risk of damage to your baby but neither is there is a reason for you to be in pain and risk doing permanent damage to your spine.
Another very common complaint during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, is that of hip pain. Most often the source of hip pain is connected to the spine and is a result of the body’s normal inclination to favor the back. And that tingling in your fingers and the pain in your thigh and calf is also related to your baby’s pressure on your spine. Keeping your spine in proper alignment is crucial during pregnancy!
Though no referral is necessary, many of our pregnant patients are referred by Medical Doctors, Obstetricians, Nurses and Mid-Wives. The doctors and staff at Frye Chiropractic in Lancaster, CA are specifically trained and equipped to care for Moms-to-be through gentle spinal adjustments designed to ease and help eradicate lower back pain.
If you are pregnant the sooner you start regular chiropractic care the better for both you and your precious baby. Call us at (661) 280-2388 today or schedule an appointment.
Orthopedic Surgeon Recommends Dr. Frye’s Office
The pain didn’t go away after I had my baby. It was bad enough that I had a hard time holding my baby, so my orthopedic surgeon sent me to AV Spinal Care.
Today I don’t have any pain in my neck back or shoulder. I can hold my baby without any pain"