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Fibromyalgia Treatment In Lancaster, CA

“I’m so tired all the time; I hurt everywhere! Isn’t there something you can do?”

Fibroyalgia is a chronic disorder that affects 3-6 million individuals in the United States alone and more than 90% of those people are women.

The word “fibromyalgia” derives from the Latin term for fibrous tissue “fibro” and the Greek words for muscle “myo” and pain “algia”.

According to the Fibromyalgia Symptoms Organization, while Fibromyalgia patients almost always list increased sensitivity to pain and fatigue in muscles and tendons, they often exhibit overlapping disease symptoms.

It is because of these overlapping symptoms that fibromyalgia came to be categorized as a syndrome rather than a disease. A large number of Fibromyalgia patients do seem to have suffered from serious injury or muscle trauma, such as that caused by a car accident, prior to the onset of their Fibromyalgia.

Injury to the central nervous system can affect the way the brain operates, increasing sensitivity to pain as well as complicating sleep patterns and cognitive thought processes. Muscle injuries can also become chronic and widespread.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that triggers the muscles around the spine to tighten which in result, causes a global loss of movement in the spine. As a result, the loss of muscle movement in the spine leads to further muscle tightening and pain.

This is why treating fibromyalgia with chiropractic care is essential in order to help sufferers retain the pliability of their muscles through gentle spine adjustments designed to help decrease pain and maintain movement. In fact many fibromyalgia sufferers have found that under the right chiropractic care their symptoms have gone away entirely!

Symptoms of fibromyalgia typically include:

Living with Fibromyalgia

Your everyday lifestyle choices have a tremendous impact on how fibromyalgia will affect your life. Oftentimes, individuals who make lifestyle adjustments to account for their condition suffer much less pain and are able to maintain an active lifestyle with a higher quality of life than those who do not. Here are some tips for living with fibromyalgia:

Exercising: Improving your fitness through low impact aerobic exercises like walking or swimming can help stretch and maintain mobility in stiff muscles. Try and avoid high impact exercises like weight lifting as they can cause increased muscle discomfort.

Getting enough rest: Making sure that you get enough good sleep every night is important to managing pain and fatigue resulting from fibromyalgia. Insomnia is very common in individuals with fibromyalgia, however getting enough sleep is essential towards pain relief.

Eating well: Getting the proper nutrition for your body is not only important for maintaining good health, but also for managing fibromyalgia symptoms. It is important to eat as much fresh food as possible such as: brown rice, oats, rice milk, soy, hormone-free chicken or turkey, nuts, berries, vegetables and legumes. Try to avoid processed foods or foods that cause stress on the body such as: dairy, eggs, wheat, corn or anything with MSG.

Making changes at work: Many individuals who suffer from fibromyalgia are able to continue working, however, changes are often necessary to managing fibromyalgia symptoms. It may be necessary to switch to a less physically demanding job or reduce the number of hours spent at work. People with fibromyalgia may find it necessary to have specially designed office chairs and adjustable desks to help maintain a comfortable working environment.

If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome or have any of the following complaints, please contact us for a full examination, including X-Rays taken in our office. The only way we will know if we can help you is to evaluate you. Call our office today at (661) 280-2388 to schedule your appointment and consultation.

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We bill health insurance, union, attorney liens and accident settlements. We have affordable care for those without insurance. While chiropractic care has been known to help many patients with a variety of conditions, we do not claim to cure any condition.
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